At Supporting Survivors of Abuse and Brain Injury through Research (SOAR), we work with a variety of researchers, health care providers, and community partners to explore the intersection of brain injury (BI) and intimate partner violence (IPV), and how it affects survivors.
Research SOAR has been involved in includes:
- Wallace, C., Smirl, J.D., Adhikari, S.P., Jones, K.E., Rieger, M., Rothlander, K., van Donkelaar, P. (2024)Neurovascular coupling is altered in women who have a history of brain injury from intimate partner violence: A preliminary study. Frontiers in Global Women’s Health
- Esopenko C, Jain D, Adhikari SP, Dams-O'Connor K, Ellis M, Haag HL, Hovenden ES, Keleher F, Koerte IK, Lindsey HM, Marshall AD, Mason K, McNally JS, Menefee DS, Merkley TL, Read EN, Rojcyk P, Shultz SR, Sun M, Toccalino D, Valera EM, van Donkelaar P, Wellington C, Wilde EA.(2024) Intimate Partner Violence-Related Brain Injury: Unmasking and Addressing the Gaps. Journal of Neurotrauma, 41, doi: 10.1089/neu.2023.0543.
- Harris-Gendron, S., Dow-Fleisner, S., Mason, K., van Donkelaar, P. (2023) Quality of life instruments for survivors of brain injury from intimate partner violence: A scoping review. Journal of Public Health and Emergency.
- Harris-Gendron, S., Dow-Fleisner, S., van Donkelaar, P., Mason, K. (2023) Assessing measures of resilience and posttraumatic growth for use among survivors of intimate partner violence-related brain injury: A scoping review. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 9: 160-179.
- Nicol, B., Adhikari, S.P., Shwed, A., Ashton, S., Mriduraj, A., Mason, K., Gainforth, H.L., Babul, S., van Donkelaar, P. (2023) The Concussion Awareness Training Tool for Women’s Support Workers improves knowledge of intimate partner violence-caused brain injury. Inquiry, doi: 10.1177/00469580231169335.
- Adhikari, S.P., Maldonado-Rodriguez, N., Smirl, J.D., Boyle, Q., Mason, K., van Donkelaar, P. (2023) Cognitive-motor deficits and psychopathological comorbidities in intimate partner violence-related brain injury. In C. Martin, V.R. Preesy, V.B. Patel (Eds). Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence,
- .Adhikari, S. P., Maldonado-Rodriguez, N., Smiley, S. C., Lewis, C. D., Horst, M. D., Jeffrey Lai, C. W., . . . Donkelaar, P. V. (2023). Characterizing Possible Acute Brain Injury in Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence: A Retrospective Chart Review. Violence Against Women, , doi: 10.1177/10778012231159417.
- Nicol, B., van Donkelaar, P., Mason, K., Gainforth, H (2021) Using behavior change theory to understand how to support screening for traumatic brain injuries among women who have experienced intimate partner violence. Women’s Health Reports, 2: 305-315.
- Maldonado-Rodriguez, N., Crocker, C.G.V., Taylor, E., Jones, K.E., Rothlander, K., Smirl, J., Wallace, C., van Donkelaar, P. (2021) Characterization of cognitive-motor function in women who have experienced intimate partner violence-related brain injury.Journal of Neurotrauma, 38: 2723-2730
- Smirl, J.D., Jones, K.E., Copeland, P., Khatra, O., Taylor, E., van Donkelaar, P. (2019) Characterizing symptoms of traumatic brain injury in survivors of intimate partner violence.Brain Injury, 33: 1529-1538.
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